27 November 2014

much to be thankful for

27 November 2014:  US Thanksgiving Day
We started out with Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls; straight from the tube.  We haven't tried them before, and I thought it might be fun to try them on Thanksgiving Day.
Once they're cooked, I spread on the icing, that was also provided in the tube.
Our dining room table decorated for Fall.
I've been enjoying shopping at Trader Joe's - they have all sorts of interesting foods, and their prices are good too.  The week of Thanksgiving I found this stuffed turkey breast - yes, almost three pounds (1.5 kg) of breast!  It must have been one big bird!  It was a great size for 2-4 people.  We had invited a couple over for lunch but they were unable to join us, so it was just the two of us.
All the food!
The menu was: stuff turkey breast, green bean casserole, crockpot sweet potato (turned out to be not so enjoyable), sweet corn casserole, peas and sparkling apple juice.  The peas were Nige's request - perhaps more of a Kiwi food than a Thanksgiving or American food.
While we do miss our friends and family back in New Zealand, we have much to be thankful for this year:- a wonderful new church body who have welcomed us, loved us, prayed for us, served us, encouraged us and taught us from God's Word; a lovely home to live in and share with others, and food (plenty of it today).

And we give "thanks for all things
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
Galatians 5:20

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