21 May 2011


Reuben and Verity came for dinner and afterwards we played Balderdash. We were given this game a few years back by friends moving overseas but we had not played it. Then we were out at friends one night and played it there, and then we came home and discovered we had the game ourselves. Very funny! Its a great game and there's always lots of laughing!!
Verity reading out the descriptions, trying to keep a straight face.
Reuben, being silly for the camera :)
Nige, very seriously, giving us the descriptions not wanting to give anything away.
And me, well I was in the corner laughing lots!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

"Nige, very seriously, giving us the descriptions not wanting to give anything away.
And me, well I was in the corner laughing lots!"............some things never change :) !!!!

I love that game.