03 June 2011

Impact guests

One of our main speakers this year was Dr Bill Barrick - a professor at The Master's Seminary and an elder at Placerita Baptist Church.  He and his wife Barbara stayed with Nige and I during the Impact week, and it was a joy to get to know them a little bit.
After Impact we had one of the seminar speakers over for dinner.  Randy Bossom is the pastor at Berean Bible Church in San Luis Obispo, CA and they are faithful supporters of The Shepherd's Bible College here in Hastings.  Each March when Nige goes to LA for the TMAI symposium and Shepherds' Conf, he also drives up the coast to visit Berean Bible Church.  We both have enjoyed getting to know some of the people in this congregation on our visits there.
Dr Barrick preaching during the conference.
Before the Barricks left NZ we had to have them try a taste of Marmite, and surprisingly they liked it.  I think it helped that they didn't spread it on like it was Nutella or something similar, but I don't think they were going to buy themselves a jar and have for breakfast back home!  :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

I LOVED impact and I enjoyed Dr Barrick heaps :)