14 July 2011

first days in los angeles

My first take-out meal was at Panda Express - orange chicken and chow mein.  It's so yummy!
Thursday I spent the day with my friend Lori who showed me how to make soy candles.  Little does Nige know that I'm planning on bringing these all back to NZ with me!  Thankfully they're small-ish but its the weight that may be a problem.  It was a fun thing to do and they smell yummy!  And it was fun just spending the day with Lori.  Later we met up with Nige and Mark for dinner at The Black Cow Cafe in Montrose, our favourite restaurant when we lived in Montrose.
Thursday my friend Tiffany from Calvary Bible Church, Burbank put on an 'ice cream social' in her home so some of the ladies from CBC could meet me and get to know me a little.  Tiffany got my favourite ice creams (Ben & Jerry's Phish Food and Cookie Dough).  There was lots of toppings and sprinkles, and it was so fun and colourful!
 Tiffany and I.
Another friend, Carole, was there too!  She was at Community Bible Church with us years ago, as was Tiffany and her family.  It was very fun to catch up with these ladies, and the new ladies I met from Calvary.
Oh and on Wednesday I went to see Julio, my hairdresser since 1997, and he worked his magic once again.

1 comment:

Jen said...

pleased youre having fun :)