21 July 2011

intercourse, pa

After Rodney and Erin picked us up from the Lancaster Train Station they took us home via the Amish town of Intercourse.  Nige and I have been there twice before - once in 2000 with Nige's Dad and then again in 2003 when we last visited Rodney and Erin.  We passed by lots of fields with corn growing.
A covered bridge.
We stopped in Intercourse to look at a few shops and this horse and buggy was parked near us.
We enjoyed a yummy cinnamon and sugar pretzel and a large lemonade, which was so refreshing on this 40oC+ day!!
The Amish don't like their photo being taken so we were being sneaky taking a photo of me . . . with the Amish horse and buggy in the background.
An Amish person going through the drive-through ATM machine at the bank across the street.  Two worlds colliding!
Walking the street in Intercourse, Pennsylvania.
Back in 2003, before we moved back to NZ, we purchased a quilt from this store.  It hangs on our bedroom wall and is a lovely reminder of our visit to Pennsylvania.

Inside Nancy's Corner store are hundreds of quilts of various sizes and colours plus lots of lovely things for the home . . . too many for me to bring home to NZ.  It was fun to look though.  Can you tell how hot it is by my red face!?!

1 comment:

Jen said...

wow wow wow

the bridge, the horse and cart, the look of that street, those quilts

wanna change places its brrrrrrr cold here