29 September 2011

a trip to auckland

We're on the road again . . . to Auckland for Nige to teach a TSBC block course on Philosophy of Ministry for Church Life.  The course was held at Auckland Bible Church.  Nige preached there Sunday morning from Revelation 4 and 5.  It was a beautiful day on the Friday as we travelled up.  I got this shot of Mount Ruapehu and Ngauruhoe as we were approaching Taupo.  Beautiful!
Nige looks pretty relaxed in the drivers seat there.
I love clouds . . . well, pretty ones like these.  I missed these kinds of clouds when we lived in LA.  It's funny the things you miss!
Guess where!?  Starbucks on Queen Street, Auckland.
Very cool, and very large, sign on a building in Queen Street.
We went down to check out the train station.  It looked pretty nice and clean down there.  I was surprised that you didn't have to have a train ticket/pass to get down to the platform.
We went to Queens Wharf to check out 'party central' where all the Rugby World Cup stuff was.  We didn't go into this big rugby ball coz there was a long line so don't know what was inside it.
 The long curvy building.
The front of the long curvy building.  Inside were displays of NZ inventions, and then food and wine tastings (not for free).

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