07 October 2011

daniel turns 5!

Our nephew, Daniel, turned five at the beginning of October - wow!  The last five years have flown by!  Henderson children birthdays are a good reason for a family gathering.  This year we have family back from Philadelphia - Pete's son Ian and his wife Monica, and their three girls.  Ian is to the left with the white striped shirt, and Monica is at the far end of the table.  We are enjoying getting to know them as a family, after Ian being over in Philly for 22 years!
Natalie always does a great job hosting everyone, and everyone else who brought salads helped to make the meal delicious!
The candles in the cupcakes were the type that kept relighting themselves . . . so Daniel needed Daddy's help to blow them out for good.
So many gifts to open!  Jessie is looking at the little scrapbook Nige and I gave to Daniel.  And now Daniel is a little school boy with a (seemingly) huge backpack!

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