16 January 2012

nephew night

Phil and Natalie had the opportunity to go out on date night.  Jessie was with a friend from school who was staying at The Mount, and we took the boys for the evening.  First we took them to the movie The Adventures of Tintin.  Afterwards, when we asked the boys what they'd like for dinner, Daniel spoke up first with the suggestion of fish and chips.  So we headed to Bobby's Fresh Fish Market in Tauranga (forgot to take a photo both times we visited).  They're delicious, and are served on big platters and they have tables there for customers to eat.  Not the usual fish and chip setting, but definitely worth a visit.  Then Nige suggested something for dessert.  Daniel's response was, "Nah, let's go back to camp."  Turns out the games on the iPod were far more appealing than dessert.  But then . . . when he realised McDonald's was where dessert was, he was quite happy for an ice cream.  Funny little man!  :)
Once back at camp, we snuck the boys into the Adult Reading Room where three of us read and one little man played games on Jacob's iPod Touch.

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