20 February 2012

folsom friends

On our way back to Los Angeles Nige and I had an overnight detour.  Grant and Kirsty drove us over to Folsom, CA - a 2.5 hour drive from Gardnerville so that we could visit long-time friends Don and Irene Kapicka.  They had hosted Mum and Pete for the Shepherds' Conference back in 1988 when they still lived in LA, so it was lovely to visit them again.
It was a very brief visit but the next morning before we  flew back to LA they took us out for breakfast to Tower Cafe in Sacramento and I enjoyed my favourite American breakfast of a Denver omelet (which has ham, onion, green peppers and cheese in it) served with little roasted potatoes on the side.  Nige had French Toast stuffed with egg, ham and cheese.
Then we went to the Capitol building and had a look around inside.  There are museum type rooms set up, and that was interesting to see.  It is an old and beautiful building.
Then we had a look around Old Town Sacramento.  Nige and I were taking a photo of each other in this shot.
Old Town is a lovely place to wander around
Then we stopped for a coffee and I was able to use the new cup sleeve that Kirsty bought me.  She said it screamed Sereena - red with hearts on it!  It will be great to use back in NZ for those hot takeaway coffees.

1 comment:

Mommy Roth said...

How fun! When we drove to Washington one time we stopped in Sacramento on the way home and walked around like you. It's charming!