16 February 2012

a look at lake tahoe

For our time in Nevada we had the privilege of staying with long-time friends, John and Daisy Cox.  We hadn't seen Daisy for eight years and hadn't yet met their two girls, Jane and Brooke so it was great to reunite!  John took some time off work the day after we arrived and they took us for a drive to Lake Tahoe, about a 30 minute drive.  This photo was looking down towards Carson City, near where John and Daisy live in Minden.
This photo is looking down towards Gardnerville where Michelle is from.
We stopped at a Christian Camp/Retreat and walked down to the lake.  It was beautiful.  The lake was clear and very still.
 John and Nige.
Daisy and I.
An outdoor amphitheater at the camp.

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