19 July 2012

around home with the longs

The home of Paul and Karen Long, where we're staying while in Los Angeles, has a fish tank with four fish.  This blower fish is the most interesting and he seems interested in those watching him too.  Sadly he has since died.
Here are two of the other fish in the tank.  There's also a black and white spotted fish but he mostly stays hidden behind the rocks.  They're fun to watch when it's feed time, how they blow the sand and the food moves and they snatch it into their mouths before it falls into the sand again.  God certainly has a creative hand with these creatures!
Karen has Costco membership so I've tagged along with her a couple times.  Here is my grocery cart, in preparation for a few friends coming over for meals that week.  LOVE Costco!
Paul and Karen had friends over one afternoon for swimming and a BBQ afterward and their friends brought ingredients for smores - yum!
Phil, Paul and Karen.
One afternoon we had our friends Jon and Natalie Rehurek and their boys Josiah and Nathan come for lunch  and a swim.  Nige sees Jon at the TMAI symposiums and Shepherds' Conferences but we haven't seen Natalie since we moved back to NZ nine years ago.  It was great catching up in person and hearing more about their lives on the mission field.
We see a few of these little guys in the drive way and around the mailbox at the Longs.  Initially we get a fright but then we realise it's not a snake so we're okay. haha :)  Nige loves snakes . . . NOT!

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