04 July 2012

celebrating the 4th

Our hosts here in Los Angeles, Paul and Karen, had a BBQ dinner on the 4th of July.  Also invited were some family and friends, and the Grant and Kirsty Watson and Mark and Denise Watson families.  We had a lovely afternoon and evening together.  One of the snacks was this fruit platter - cherries (red), grapes (white) and blueberries (blue).  Dinner was hamburgers and grilled chicken on BBQ.
Among the many desserts was this chocolate sheet cake - love the frosting! Mmmm . . .
Later in the evening we all drove up above Burbank, near the Starlight Bowl, and waited for the fireworks to begin.
Sereena with Karen, Denise and Kirsty - sitting on the curb ready for the fireworks to begin .
We enjoyed 15 minutes of fireworks - so beautiful!  (This is a compilation of several displays.)  When we got home Nige and I watched the Macy's fireworks in New York on TV - they were amazing!

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