29 July 2012

pathway bible church

Nige was invited to preach at Pathway Bible Church in Valencia, CA.  Several friends attend this small church plant and I was pleased to finally be able to visit the church and see it in action.  After church was a fellowship lunch, and then many of the families headed down to the Long Beach Aquarium to go check out the fish.  I always feel like it might be inappropriate to take photos of Nige preaching - but you can picture him, standing behind a pulpit, reading his Bible, and preaching God's Word to the people.  It was a different story at the aquarium . . .
Kris Chau pointing out the big fish to baby Seth on her back.
In real life, this orange fish was a really bright colour!
A shark

A huge stingray (official name: reticulate whiptail ray)
Cute blue and yellow fish that swam in little circles with each other
Ah, the penguins
Some funny little worm-like creatures
The seals, enjoying the sunshine

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