27 October 2012

from spain to germany

Driving down the streets in Berlin.

European Bible Training Center - a TMAI school.  Nige was invited to visit this school to help them as they work towards accreditation also.
Nige stayed one night with Thomas, who is a teacher at EBTC.
It was freezing cold in Berlin so they stopped by Starbucks to warm up a bit.  Apparently it snowed two days later.
While in Berlin, Nige also stayed Christian Andresen and his family.  Christian is the Principal of EBTC.  He also showed Nige around some of Berlin.

Daniel would have walked through this arch in Nebuchadnezzar's days.
Pergamum steps.
The Mini Museum.
Some of the Berlin Wall.  There is still a line on the city streets where the wall once stood.

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