22 October 2012

while nige was away . . .

*  I talked with Nige on Skype twice a day most days he was away.  Sometimes our connections were a little fuzzy.
*  I did some baking for Sports Camp - chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (yum)
*  Brent Eldridge came to speak at Sports Camp again this year.  He stayed at our place for some of the weekend, along with Mark, Tania and Matthew Gordon from Naenae
*  I enjoyed watching the birds eating the seeds I left for them in our birdhouse
 *  Natalie and I went early morning walking.  Cool clouds there, above Te Mata Peak!
*   I located Nige on the "Find My Friends" app
*  I Skyped with my Mum in Palmerston North
*  and Bea in Los Angeles who is studying at The Master's College.  It was her first Autumn/Fall there and she had been given some pumpkins for decoration to put outside her dorm room door
*  I helped with the cycle race during Sports Camp
*  The cyclists came around the course in pretty good time this year
*  And I volunteered in the canteen with Ashleigh Nelson a few times during the weekend too.  I'm not sure who buys the most from the canteen - the little kids from church or the athletes!  :)
*  I also had a little visitor in the backyard.  In this picture he is eating the rat bait I left out for him - he even came back for seconds and cleaned it ALL up.

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