18 January 2013

life around camp

Our lunches for a few days there were buns with potato chips in them. Nige's little tent that he keeps his bike in, broke a pole and it lost all its shape. Then the pole broke through the fly and so a new tent was needed to protect the prize possession inside.
The view we have from our campsite on one of the many nice sunny days we're enjoying this year.
The Hendersons have arrived.
Josh and Michelle came and pitched their tent on our site for two nights and we enjoyed catching up with them during their visit.
Daniel caught up on top of the playground doing what he ought not to be doing. The next day his daddy captured a photo of him up there again. Caught out two days in a row!
Jacob and Jess not thrilled about doing the dinner dishes. That night was easy really, as we ate on paper plates and used throw-away plastic knives and forks.
Someone has been wearing socks this summer! Hopefully a week at the beach will make a difference.
Jacob's tent - nicely situated between our tent and the Hendos.
Daniel practicing skidding to a halt!

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