13 January 2013

we're all going on a summer holiday

Saturday morning, with the car fully loaded up and a trailer following behind too, we took off to Papamoa Beach for our annual summer holiday.
Along the way a couple of birds did their thing on the front window, which just adds to photo, don't you think? Haha :)
We received a nice surprise when we arrived at our campsite because the site has been extended by about a meter. This meant we had space to try the tent on a different angle. We're enjoying sitting out under our gazebo this year, which is a bit more social than being tucked away in our tent's sunroom.
Yesterday Nige preached at The Orchard, a church in nearby Te Puke. His subject was Understanding God's Love. He took us to lots of passages but the key one was Ephesians 3:19.
So we are settled in now and getting ourselves in the camping mode. The reading has begun and tomorrow Nige will be out for a bike ride.

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