25 October 2013

man-pleasing chicken

With four guys in the house this week, it was the perfect time to make this chicken dish.  It was a hit!  It is so very easy to make and just amazingly delicious!  My friend Jennifer Loden in Texas passed this on to me last year when we were visiting them - here is the link to where Jennifer got it from: http://www.wittyinthecity.com/2011/08/man-pleasing-chicken/

And who were our three guests?  Well, Adam Tyson was with us again, this time speaking at Sports Camp, and he brought two guys with him - Stephen from his previous church in Montgomery, TX and Mason from his new ministry in Newhall, CA.  It was a great weekend, and Adam preached the gospel well and many hearts were stirred toward the things of the Lord.  He focused on how God is awesome in holiness, in suffering, in forgiveness and in Christ.  There were about 300 young people here for the weekend playing a ton of sport but also hearing God's Word being taught.  We need to pray for those who came and heard the Word but don't yet know Christ as their personal Saviour, that God will grow the seed that was planted this weekend.

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