10 May 2014

two weddings

Nige had the privilege of marrying this lovely couple from FBC - Rod and Kathi.  The wedding was held at a local winery, on a beautiful May day, in a very pretty setting.
A couple weeks prior to Rod and Kathi's wedding, I was invited to help with the setup of the wedding of a young couple from FBC who were getting married out at the following rural setting.  The ladies set up this neat display at the entrance - mostly so people wouldn't miss the wedding's location.  It looked so pretty too!
We set up all the chairs for the ceremony, and then got the decorations into place.  Tracy, the wedding coordinator, had everything all organized and ready to go.  It was still a lot of work, but she had made the job that much easier by being so organized.
Following the ceremony the guests headed off to a nearby field and played old fashioned games like croquet, throw the horseshoe and a few others that I'd never seen or heard of.  Meanwhile we moved the chairs again, and some guys moved the tables, and we got the bridal table and guests tables set up and decorated.
The neat decorations in front of the bridal table.
The guests tables, looking down towards the bridal table.  The reception meal was a 'picnic in a box'. The couple's last name initial, along with the wedding date details etc were stamped on the lid of the box.  Such a cute idea for an outdoor, farm location wedding.
Behind this photo were tables with water and lemonade in big glass dispensers, and a table with coffee and syrups etc.
We worked hard that day but I enjoyed joining their team, and getting to know some more FBC ladies, and learning some more event planning and preparation details.  Fun!

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