05 November 2014

saying goodbye

We turned the fire on, on Netflix, which gave us the crackle of fire and some Christmas carols in the background, and we enjoyed an early Christmas gift exchange on their last day with us.
Then we loaded the car with ALL their luggage (a new suitcase had to be purchased to fit everything in!) and settled in for an almost two hour drive to LAX, stopping at Starbucks first, of course!
First we stopped for dinner at In-N-Out Burgers for one last Californian meal.  This In-N-Out is right by one of the runways at LAX, so we enjoyed watching the planes come in to land - including one of the new double decker air buses!  It was huge!

You can get great views of the airport from In-N-Out too.
Checking in at Virgin Australia.  All the bags were accepted - phew!
Then we had to walk to the Tom Bradley Terminal next door, where their plane was actually departing from.
Heading to the departure gate.
Right when they turned around to wave, a whole bunch of people walked by!  LOL  :)
We had a lovely time together and it was sad saying goodbye . . . I'm such a tearie dearie.

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