15 May 2011

a day with mum

Mum came up from Palmy for a visit with her girls.  Natalie and I took her for lunch over in Napier - this was a late Mother's Day get together.
Then we took her to the optometrist for an eye test and this is her gift from the Shailers and Hendos for her 'special' birthday next month.  Yes, we know . . . its not the usual birthday gift! lol :)  The guy operating this machine for Mum, was having his first day at SpecSavers and the poor guy had Natalie and I watching on too - taking pictures and video, and . . .
laughing at Mum with her winged glasses
and these very heavy and unattractive ones!
But these are the frames she choose.  Nat and I thought they looked great on her!  Happy Birthday Mum!  We love you, from all of us!

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