21 June 2011

it's a boy

Last night I hosted a baby shower for Kelly Fenwick, a friend from church, who is expecting her first baby early August.  I went with a blue and rubber ducky theme, and made the most amazingly yummy cupcakes (dark chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting)!
L-R:  Ros, Caroline, Margaret, Natalie
All the ladies brought a photo of themselves as a baby and in this picture they're looking at the photos trying to guess who's who.
Were they peeking at the back of the photos for clues???
All the ladies who came to celebrate with Kelly.
Back row:  Margaret, Liz, Ros, Kirsty M, Patty
Middle row:  Mary, Kelly (the mummy to be), Faye, Jan
Front row:  Kirsty W, Caroline, Natalie, Sereena
Keeping a list of gifts and who they're from.  I found out that sometimes the gift is given anonymously at baby or bridal showers here in NZ.  Interesting . . .
Kelly having fun opening the prezzies.

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