27 July 2011

Ellis Island

We took a ferry out to Ellis Island.  This was the view looking back at Battery Park and the new World Trade Center building being built.
On our way to Ellis Island we went by the Statue of Liberty.  Actually, we stopped there for some passengers to get off.  We decided the view from the ferry was good enough.
Approaching Ellis Island.  Ellis Island served as the country's immigration depot from 1892 until 1954, and nearly 12 million people passed through its gates.
This is the Great Hall where all the immigrants came and stood in line and waited to have their name checked  off.  Then it was off for medical checks.  We did the audio tour where we each had our own digital audio player and headphones.  It was a great way to learn about Ellis Island.
After the tour we took the subway back to 34th Street and 7th Avenue where Hotel Pennsylvania is located.  This is the hotel we stayed in back in 2000 when we visited New York for a couple days.

1 comment:

Jen said...

great photos