31 July 2011

rockport, massachusetts

We caught the BoltBus from New York City to Boston (a four hour drive), and then took the train to Rockport (about a 50 minute ride).
We stayed with Patrick and Sarah Slyman and their girls, Lexi and Maddox (Lexi was taking the picture).  The Slymans lived in the same building as us in Montrose, CA and Patrick and Nige have been in the same D.Min class at TMS the past two years.
The church was right across the street from the Slyman's house.
Pigeon Cove Chapel!
The lawn behind the church where we had ice cream sundaes after the morning church service.  There were little sail boats sailing around - it was beautiful!
Patrick and Sarah's house - the parsonage.
And next door is the Fire Station!  Cute!
Sunday afternoon we walked into the village to browse the shops.  The shops are only open in the summer because in the winter months when its snowing there aren't as many visitors to the area.
Sarah introduced us to Elephant Ears - a favourite snack of their's when they're down in the village.

This spot (and specifically the red shed) is a very popular photographed and painted scene.
We were sleeping in the Slyman's attic and this was the view out of the skylight!
In the bathroom downstairs, the Slymans had this cool bird house in the window.  The birds didn't seem to see us and so would eat away at the bird seed.
On Monday we went to Long Beach, not far down the road from Pigeon Cove.  It was fun to hang out at the beach for the afternoon!
When we got there it was still high tide but it didn't take long for the water to go back out.  We both went in  water - Nige all the way under but I only went in waist-deep.  The water wasn't super warm but it was refreshing.

1 comment:

Jen said...

nice and those elephant ears sound yummy