04 November 2011

yah for skype

Last Saturday I finally got to Skype with the lovely Verity Pickering!  We hadn't had a proper catch up since we left the States early August so it was lovely to have about an hour Skype'ing with her.  We could have chatted for probably a few hours longer but our schedules that day didn't allow for it.  We both have Blackberry phones and so we have used the BB Messenger and had a few brief chats.  Seeing each other on the screen and hearing each other's voices is so much better though.  Thank you Lord for gifting people with the ability to create such wonderful technology!  We'll Skype again soon Verity!  :)


Reuben and Verity Pickering said...

You are so cute Sereena! I agree, I am very thankful for whoever came up with the idea of Skype...it's brilliant. Almost as good as real life. I've enjoyed getting caught up on your life through your blog - seems a handy tool - maybe I should spend more time on ours, haha!!
\love, verity


This is probably the best (most flattering) Skype photo Ive ever seen!