15 January 2012

the fight is on

This year for Christmas we gave Daniel water balloons . . . in preparation for our time at Papamoa.  Since the time of receiving the water balloons Uncle Nige was telling Daniel that if Daniel through a balloon at him, he would put the water hose up Daniel's shorts.  I think Daniel was both excited and terrified!
Nige armed with kid buckets of water
Jessie and Thomas Grant in on the action
Nige bracing for the impact of another balloon.
Ahhh,  Nige got Thomas good!

And the best action shot of the day goes to Natalie!!  All that effort, but did she hit her target?

Notice how Daniel isn't in any of the photos?  Well, he threw a balloon at Nige and as promised Nige got the water hose up Daniel's shorts.  Daniel didn't think this was too funny at all, so he bowed out of the water fight after that.  The video below is Natalie asking him what happen. 
It's a little hard to hear all that Daniel says, so here's how it went:

Daniel says, "You don't want it to happen to you."
Natalie says, "Tell me what happened though."
Daniel says, "Oh, you don't want to know . . . Oh, no . . . too scary, too scary."

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