05 March 2012

a kiwi dinner

Right now there are two families from Riverbend Bible Church who are living in Los Angeles so that the two husbands can study at The Master's Seminary.  Plus there are three other men from NZ also studying at TMS, men whom Riverbend has links with through Impact Bible Conference and/or The Shepherd's Bible College.  As there were a number of us out visiting for Shepherds' Conference from Riverbend it was suggested we have some kind of get together to encourage these families who are sacrificing much to move their families to LA to study God's Word.  There were 33 Kiwis invited and 31 of those were able to attend.  It was a great evening together.  Russell and Liz brought a box of Crunchie bars and Russell had a quiz with the kids (small and big kids!) and lots of Crunchies were given out.  Nige and I ordered in StoneFire Grill for dinner - which was a hit with everyone!  It's exciting to have five NZ guys studying at TMS, all with a view to coming back to minister in NZ in the future.

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