16 September 2012


We had the privilege of attending Kristine Ardavanis's and Cory Cramer's wedding in Kingsburg, CA.
Scott walking his eldest daughter down the aisle.  Scott's brother in-law welcomed everyone prior to the bridal party walking in, and then after handing Kristine to Cory, Scott did the rest of the wedding ceremony.
Introducing Mr and Mrs Cramer!
Scott and Patty
The wedding setting was beautiful!
The wedding cake, with tables of cookies and candy in the background.
The reception area.
The decorations were neat.  In this tree, by our table, was this mirror with "Love never fails. 1 Cor 13" etched on it, and a couple of pewter coffee pots hanging from branches used as vases.  We sat with Micah and Molly Turner, and Bill and Barb Barrick.
A photo of Nige and I is still to come.

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