30 September 2012

heading home

Lining up the suitcases, reading to begin packing.
One last drive on the 210 freeway as we return the van to Dirk.  Although with Nige's bike box and all our suitcases we had the pleasure of one last bouncy ride on the 405 too.
Sharing a salad from Wolfgang Puck before the flight.  Can highly recommend the Chinois Chicken Salad if you're ever in Terminal 2 at LAX.
Josh and Michelle were there at Auckland Airport to welcome us back to New Zealand . . . at 6:30 am Sunday morning!  Nige has hassled Josh about these green shorts of his for a few years now, and so we became the recipients of said green shorts!  Funny!
Nige falling asleep on the one-hour flight from Auckland to Napier.
We had a beautiful view of Mount Ruapehu and Tongariro.
Back home!

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