25 September 2012

out and about

Our wonderful hosts in Los Angeles, Paul and Karen Long.  We were invited to join their family to celebrate their daughter's birthday.
The birthday girl, Katherine, and her friend Scott.
Nige and I.
Look how cheap the spuds are! - at Sunland Produce
Kappa Studios - the company that Paul and Karen own.  They do post-production on movies and TV shows.  Their big TV show at the moment is The Annoying Orange
 Driving through Pasadena.  I was trying to catch a shot with all the tall, skinny Palm Trees.
The lovely Bea Major!  I visited her a few times while we were in LA.  This is her half of her dorm room, which she shares with Victoria.  She has the bunting hanging that her and Karen made, that people from Riverbend wrote notes to her on.  It looks good and I'm sure is a comfort to her when she's missing family and friends.
Nige and I had one last Starbucks visit with her before we left.
 We had breakfast at Egg Plantation with Grant and Kirsty before we left too.
Later that day, we did a drive-by past the Watsons, so we could say goodbye to the kids.  Haven't they all grown!

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