06 September 2012

odds and ends

At the hotel where we stayed they had two large frames full of these match boxes from the old days hung on the dining room wall.  It was quite neat.
Larry and Jennifer lent us their truck to go to San Antonio in - a very comfy ride.
On our way back to Georgetown we came across a movie theatre and found a nice movie to watch.  As it was a matinee it only cost $5.50 each (nice!).  There were 10-12 screens at this theatre and when we went in and sat down, we were the only ones there.  Then two ladies arrived.  But then we came out afterwards and noticed how huge the parking lot was but with only a couple of cars in it.  Quite funny!
Well, this caught me off-guard when I caught a glimpse out the corner of my eye - scary actually!  And then I realised he was being towed. Phew!
Nige and I set up for some work, study, and e-mail checking in Georgetown's newest Starbucks.
Larry and Jennifer's TV remotes . . . and yes, they do use the large one too!!
We had a wonderful eight days with the Lodens - so fun to be with them, sharing life and ministry with them. They were a blessing and encouragement to us!  The Lord was kind in bringing them into our lives.

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