14 January 2013

camping day #3

It's been fun to see our old friends Andrew and Joanne Riordan again here at Papamoa. Their site is behind where Andrew is sitting, in the photo of him and Nige chatting so we see each other several times a day and stop for short, and sometimes longer chats.
The last few months my blood pressure has been quite high and I changed doctors in October and she tried me on a new medication. Well, it brought my BP down but gave me a dry cough which was keeping me (and Nige!) awake at nights. So I went back to her and she took me off it for three weeks and then I was to try another medication. The cough eased up (whew!) and after 3 weeks on nothing I started the new meds. Nine days later I'm hacking away, and gagging, and not sleeping again ... and I'm in a tent in a campground for two weeks! So on the phone to the doctor I've been! I now have a third prescription to try. I'm praying it will not cause a cough too! Not fun!
The second-to-last picture are some yummy ice creams on sticks - probably not good for BP though :)
Last night we wandered down to the beach. Just had a peek, saw that it was high tide and a bit rough out there, and then we came back to camp. It was raining a bit too hence our brief visit :)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

So sorry about your blood pressure! I will be praying you can find the right medication that won't make you cough!!! Not fun, especially when you are on holiday.