31 March 2013

Easter monday

As it was a public holiday here on Easter Monday, we took the opportunity to go over to Napier first thing, and take a stroll along the boardwalk alongside the ocean.  It was a beautiful sunny morning - the perfect morning for a stroll with my hubby.
Napier Port in the background.
Some wood from an old jetty or wharf, with fishermen in the background.
Me and my hubby.
This little boy caught a decent sized fish, and his dad reeled it in for him.
So pretty.
The Dome - a fancy hotel which is in what used to be the T&G Building, built in 1937 after the big Napier earthquake n 1931.
. . . and next door is Starbucks
The last time we were at Starbucks they had trouble with the coffee bean grinder for the decaf beans and I had to wait about half an hour for my drink (thankfully we were planning to be there a while anyways) and so they gave me two free drink vouchers.
I love times like these with Nige, glad he gently nudges me (initially I wasn't keen on going over to Napier), and thankful for the quality time together it turns out to be.

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