02 April 2013

nige's birthday

Happy 44th Birthday, Nige!

I dug around and found an old photo of Nige - back in about 1990 when we were just a dating couple.  Love it!  And love him!
Seeing that Nige's birthday was the week of Easter the kids had a couple extra days off school, which freed them up to do afternoon tea over at Starbucks in Napier.  We met at 2:00 pm, and almost three hours later we were still there . . .
. . . so, we thought, "let's do dinner together too".  So we drove around to Hot Chick - a fast food chicken place right by the beach - and enjoyed roast chicken, roast potatoes, peas and gravy.  It was lovely spending the afternoon/evening with the Hendersons.
On the night of Nige's birthday, the church had a visiting missionary come speak, which is why we weren't able to have the Hendersons over for dinner on Nige's birthday but I was able to put together a roast lamb meal for the two of us (along with Nige's favourites, of course - roast potatoes and peas) and we ate by candlelight.  It was still bright and sunny outside though because we were still on Daylight Savings time.  Dinner was delicious, hearing about the Provost's ministry was really encouraging, and so it was a great evening.

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