16 April 2013

two boys come for a sleepover

We picked up Jacob and Daniel from school for them to come stay the night with us.  Right before I arrived at school to pick them up there was a heavy, but short, downpour of rain.  Then soon after arriving at home, the real downpour arrived!  We opened up the back door to see the rain, AND hear the thunder better.  Fun!
What looks to be dry patches on the grass is actually all the rain flooding the land.
Looking over at the church building, the rain is just gushing off the pergola roof.  And there's Ian Ellis in the church offices, who is probably being deafened by the rain on the metal roof above him.
The hockey field looks totally flooded.  Actually, it would have been kind of fun to get out in the rain - with my raincoat, gumboots, and umbrella on of course - but I needed to get dinner ready for the three hungry guys in my house!  :)
So, with all that rain and thunder going on outside it was the perfect afternoon for a movie.
The movie wasn't really frightening Jacob, he just didn't want his photo taken.  (I think he's slowly getting used to all the photos that his aunty tries to take of him on the sly!)
And this is what I cooked us for dinner - it was a hit!

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