30 January 2014

our new friends, the tracy family

After staying with Chris and Jean Mueller for a week, they moved house . . . and so did we.  Jonas and Lara, and their children Emma, Caleb and Katelyn kindly allowed us to stay with them for three weeks, until our container arrived.  It has been a joy to get to know this family and become friends with them.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I went with Lara and the kids to Moonlight Beach, about an hour South of Murrieta.  There were a bunch of other moms and their children from Faith Bible Church there also. The picture above is of little Katelyn jumping in the waves.

Overlooking Moonlight Beach.

One afternoon Katelyn dressed up in her Snow White dress for me.  She told me that next time she goes to Disneyland this is what she will be wearing.  Katelyn is five years old and is FULL of personality! :)

A close up of Katelyn, her bear and I.

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