19 February 2014


Nige and I have been VERY warmly welcomed to Faith Bible Church!
Nige and John Pleasnick giving announcements at church. 
RMGs = Regional Ministry Groups, or mid-week Bible study groups. There are about 15 RMGs at FBC, and we have been making our way around them all - to meet the people of FBC and an opportunity for them to get to know Nige and I a little bit.  It's been great and has really helped us I getting to know the church family a little quicker.
We also visited the senior RMG and had a wonderful morning with some of the senior saints of FBC.
The hostess, Ann, even made pavlova in our honour!
We have also visited the Junior High, High School and College ministries.  When we visited the high school group, we arrived to discover they were having a "Lord of the Rings" theme for the evening, also in our honour.
They decorated the room with trees to make it feel like the Shire ...
and a number of the students and staff dressed up too.
At the junior high group they found a Nigel Avatar in the group LOL :) 

And one of the guys sketched Nige. They got muddled on which is the NZ flag, but he did a great job on the rest of the sketch :) 
We've had a lot of fun as we've visited the RMGs and really enjoyed the opportunity to get to meet the people of FBC!

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