20 June 2014

a gathering of kiwis

On the last Saturday in May we drove to Zuma Beach (a 2.5 hour drive for us) to meet up with the five Kiwi men and their families who have been studying at The Master's Seminary.  Two have now graduated and the other three are finishing up at various stages in the next few years.  Before we got to the beach though, we stopped at a cafe in Calabasas called Pedalers Fork, and met Reuben and Verity there for coffee.
A nice surprise was to also see long-time friend Warren Pearson, also from NZ, who graduated from TMS many years ago and has continued living in LA and attending Grace Community Church, as he was fortunate enough to win a Green Card in the Green Card Lottery many years ago.  Warren is a wonderful help to Denys back in NZ with the computer system at Gracebooks NZ.
Our Kiwi gathering.
Some of the men and the kids out swimming.
It was the last time we'd all be together before Grant and Kirsty and the kids move back to NZ in August. Grant's brother Mark and his family then move back in September.
We enjoyed the coffee so much at Pedalers Fork that we stopped on the way home for a takeaway coffee.  Their coffee was the closest to our favorite coffee places back in Hastings (Sutto Caffe and Jackson's Bakery).  Pedelars Fork roast their own beans too, called 10 Speed Coffee.  If you're in that area (off the 101), it's worth stopping for a coffee, plus the township is quaint and looks a lovely place to explore.

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