15 June 2014

modern technology

Living so far away from family and friends, we are SO thankful for modern technology.  Here I am Skyping with my niece, Jessie.  So fun!
Impact Bible Conference time! And we weren't there . . . in person, but we were watching live.  Right when I took this photo, Phil was saying, "Nige and Sereena are probably watching us right now", and we were!  Phil and Nige used to do the announcements at Impact together, and this year Phil was without his "6'2", bald" sidekick.
Pastor Chris Mueller was one of the main speakers at Impact this year.  Nige had made the speaker arrangements over a year ago, and so there was Chris over in NZ and here we were in California. We enjoyed the teaching sessions that we caught online, and I enjoyed singing along to familiar songs again, when the music team were being broadcast live.
The week after Impact we Skyped with dear friends, Denys and Elvira.  They were sick with colds (which happens to many who serve at Impact), so it was fun to catch up with them and hear their excitement from being at Impact again.

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