16 June 2014

faith bible church

A few months ago now we went down to San Diego with Bill and Gail from FBC, to check out the convention center to see if it would be suitable for a men's conference that Nige and Bill are involved in organizing.  While down there, Bill and Gail took us to Seaport Village and after lunch we hopped on this bike with four seats, and one man cycled the four of us along water's edge and gave us all sorts of information and history about San Diego and it's port.  The man sure got a good workout with four people on board!
A huge statue of a sailor kissing a nurse.
Me at music practice one Saturday morning.  As the church doesn't own its own building, we practice at the facility that we rent for different mid-week events.  Saturday morning practices are at 7:30 am, and Sunday morning practice begins at 7:15 am, and now that we aren't living on the church property anymore, I have to add in a 15 minute drive too :)
A lady at FBC came across some New Zealand Kiwifruit at a local farmer's market and very kindly bought some for me!  They were delicious!
Recently we had the "PowerPoint Team" and their wives and children over for a meal.  Nige has been coming alongside this team of men on Sunday mornings, and so it was a great evening of being together and to have some team building going on.  It was fun to meet the wives and their little ones, and it turned out that with one of the couples we have mutual friends who are currently living in Auckland from the US!  It sure is a small world!
Baptism Sunday! These are the second baptisms that have happened since we've been here.  After church we walk across the street to the park.  Lunch is provided - a Subway type sandwich, a cookie and a bottle of water.  The temporary pool has been put together and we sit around to hear the testimonies and see the people being baptized.  It's great!
Then people hang around afterwards, chatting and getting to know each - well, that's what we're doing at least!  :)

Recently a family at church gave us tickets to go watch the local baseball team - The Lake Elsinore Storm.

We were given four tickets and so we invited this couple from FBC to join us for dinner at home and then come to the game - Francisco, Tawney and their four month old daughter, Eden.  It was a fun evening together.

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