13 July 2014

faith bible church bbq cook-off

This is the park across the street from the school Faith Bible Church meets in.  We hold all sorts of events over here after church during the year.  This day was the annual BBQ cook-off and blood drive.  It's a great way to reach out to the community and to give them yummy free food!
One of the ladies from church made this enormous cake!
Two of the BBQ cooks, with the judges behind them sampling the meat.  There were three categories of BBQ meat - chicken, pork and beef.  At each station were a bunch of salads made by ladies in the church.  There was a lot of food to be enjoyed!
A giant Jenga!
Face painting for the kids.
And these are two sweet, and very fun, ladies who I have been enjoying getting to know since we've been here.  Sandi on the left, and Gail on the right.

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