11 July 2014

a day in los angeles

We met up with the Watson family at Grace Community Church as Grant was in the Grace Advance class that day, and we all had lunch together, one last time before they move back to New Zealand.
A group selfie!  Young Scott was on his way home from Junior High Camp, but taking his spot that day was Jessie Whyte, Leah's friend from New Zealand.  It was fun to see a face from home.
The Watsons driving away in Dirk's van, as they have already sold their van.  Farewell Watson family.  We've enjoyed our California get togethers, and we'll look forward to seeing you again back in the homeland.
We had a bit of time to kill in the afternoon, so we stopped by the new Hobby Lobby in Burbank so I could check it out and see how it compares with our one in Temecula.  And it didn't disappoint - it's as large as our's and just as exciting! LOL :)
Tons of Christmas decorations!!
My man, patiently waiting for me to come out! Hehe :)
A whole aisle filled with bows - both sides of the aisle!
An old style carwash in Burbank.
The Americana in Glendale.  There's just something about this place that makes you want to come back.  We've never eaten there, never been to the movies there, sometimes we buy something at Barnes & Noble, but it's just enjoyable being there.
Looking down on The Americana from the third floor in Barnes & Noble.
The other reason we came to LA for the day was to attend a TMC (The Master's College) Alumni event, which was a LA Dodgers baseball game!  The ticket even included all-you-can-eat hotdogs, popcorn, corn chips and soda!  We weren't sure if we would know anyone there, but there ended up being a bunch of people we knew, which was fun!

Sitting out in right field.
The stadium.
And the night was finished off with a great display of fireworks!  A great day, and we were all tuckered out, arriving home at 1:00 am.

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