24 October 2014

some highlights of the family's visit - san diego

Our first day trip to San Diego was to visit Sea World.

 The Beluga Whale
Keith watching the Beluga Whales
I actually got to touch this dolphin a couple of times as it swam past me.  Very cool!
On our second day trip we visited Coronado Island, and Hotel del Coronado.  Very pretty.
A lady at the next table kindly took our photo.
For lunch, we went to a Mexican restaurant, where I tried Fish Tacos - they came highly recommended by Nige, who had visited there recently with men from church.  I tried the battered kind, and they were very good.
We also went to Seaport Village, and a short walk away was the USS Midway.  Keith was quite excited about checking it out, so he and Nige did a self-guided tour on board.
Nige said he wouldn't enjoy being a sailor, because he's too tall for the all the doorways down below.
I was watching where they were, using the Find My Friends app on my phone.  Pretty cool picture.

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