31 December 2014

let it snow!

On Tuesday, 30 December the weather forecast on our Weather App was forecasting snow.  (These temps are in Celecius.)  I think the App was a bit confused because after showing the snowflakes here, it would quickly change back to raindrops.  I was hopeful it might snow, but this is Southern California, so didn't really think it would happen.  But.It.Did!!
This is what it looked like from our upstairs window at 6:30 am.
The snow looking out to the left of our house.
It was trash collection day and these are the top of our wheelie bins with snow on them.  Our neighbors were outside at 6:45 am too, letting their dog play in the snow for his first time.
Snow-covered palm trees and wheelie bins!
It was fun to see people out playing in the snow.  This field ended up with several snowmen in it by the end of the day.
Just before midday I drove down to the supermarket, not even a ten minute drive away.  When I left home there was still snow around, but our streets were dry already, so I was quite surprised to discover THIS in the supermarket parking lot!  I needed my snow-boots but I was only wearing slip-on shoes, with not even any socks!  LOL :)
The trees around here are not used to bearing the weight of snow on their branches and I saw several trees with broken off branches like this one.
For a good part of the year there is a cart here, selling strawberries.  Funny to see their sign with snow all around.
Looking out over lower Murrieta, which got more snow than we did.

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