02 July 2012

los angeles, here we are!

Our bed, in our newly painted green room at our host's home - it looks awesome!
We arrived at LAX to be greeted by long time friend, Dirk, and he said he'd found some Kiwis there and maybe we might know them.  It was the WATSON family!  How fun to see them so soon!  They followed us to Dirk's where we picked up the Dodge van and the Lincoln Towncar and then found a McDonald's for a nice cold drink and a bit of a catch-up with Grant and Kirsty.
The next day we made an all-important visit to Costco to buy a few supplies.  Nige's Caffeine-free Diet Coke cost a mere US$12.09 (NZ$15.11) for 32 cans!
AND . . . my tray of 35 bottles of water cost US$5.50 (NZ$6.87).  Back in NZ I buy 24 bottles for NZ$16.99!!
We will enjoy it while we can! :)

1 comment:

Jen said...

have fun and wow what good savings :)
all the best to Niges study too