03 September 2012

anniversary getaway

During our time with the Lodens it was our 21st wedding anniversary.  While in Montgomery friends there told us about the Riverwalk in San Antonio and then Larry and Jennifer were telling us about it too.  So they offered us their truck and so we made plans.  It fell on Labor Day Weekend over here, and as Nige was preaching on the Sunday we thought we'd wait till Monday afternoon to head down there.  The hotel prices were also cheaper after the long weekend, which was a bonus!  In the picture above is the State Capitol Building that we went to a few days earlier.
Downtown Austin.
We stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel . . . but really, it was the gift store on the other side of the restaurant that I really wanted to go to.  They have fun 'country style' items for sale which was fun to browse.  I even found a couple Christmas prezzies for family while there!
The drive from Georgetown to San Antonio was just a couple hours.
We stayed at The Riverwalk Vista Inn - it was recommended to us by three couples and we can highly recommend it now too!
The door to our room - our room was on the Commerce Street side of the building.
Our room.
The view from our room, three floors up - Tower of the Americas on the left, and The Torch of Friendship on the right.
Looking down to the Riverwalk - those multi-coloured sun umbrellas were at one of the restaurants down there.
We discovered a pretty fish in this little vase on the desk in our room.  When we arrived I put my handbag on the desk, which hid the fish and it wasn't until later when I was sitting at the desk looking for something in my handbag that I noticed, out the corner of my eye, something move.  I got a little scare at first but then enjoyed watching him swim in his little vase.  He survived our two night visit without being fed - who knows what happened after we left!  Back at the Long's in Los Angeles, two of the four fish in the fish tank by our room have died since we've been here, and I'm hoping the remaining two are going to survive at least until after we've gone.

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