24 March 2013

a new adventure!

This post is a little slow in being released, and maybe you’ve already heard—Yes, Nigel has accepted the call to be Associate/Assistant Pastor at Faith Bible Church in Murrieta, California.  We are excited!  Nigel will be working with Chris Mueller and John Pleasnick—longstanding pastors at FBC.  Hopefully, we’ll be able to make the transition to the US in July.

FBC church is made up of about 800 adults and children.  It is a growing, vibrate congregation that loves God’s Word and wants to make significant inroads into the community.  There is a big emphasis on training at FBC and a commitment to see lay ministry leaders be raised up and equipped to serve in the church.  It is going to be a good fit for us.

Thanks to everyone who has encouraged us and prayed for us over the last few months.  Your support has been such a wonderful blessing.  Please keep praying.  We are in the process of applying for a US religious worker visa.  If approved, we begin the task of relocating our home to California, again.  What a job that will be!

Of course we have mixed feelings—we are really excited about embarking on a new ministry in a great church but we do not relish saying “goodbye” to all our friends and family in New Zealand.  That is going to be a sad day.  God has been at work to help us to come to this point and we are confident that He wants us to make this transition.

Exciting days ahead!

1 comment:

Scott and Julie Martin said...

We are so excited that your coming to America to be our Associate Pastor! We can't wait to work alongside you in ministry and become better acquainted!
We will be praying that your move here is smooth. Please don't hesitate to ask for help!