17 June 2014

bits and pieces

On Sunday, 11 May (Mother's Day) Grant Watson graduated with his Bachelor of Theology from The Master's Seminary! Kirsty received a PHT Certificate (Putting Hubby Through).  It is very much a team effort for the husband and wife, and we were thrilled to be with the Watsons to celebrate this achievement!  Fun too, because we've had the privilege of seeing the Lord's work in their lives from the beginning of this process back eight years ago to seeing it completed.  The Lord has been faithful to them during this time.
Later in May was the first fire of the season in this area.  The smoke we see here is coming from the Camp Pendleton area, over an hour away (see the map below).  A couple days after this picture was taken, the wind had blown the smoke up into our valley so everything was smokey, and wasn't pleasant to breathe in.  The days were very hot too, so it just made us appreciate all that the firefighters were doing, and reminded us to pray for them.

Here we are crawling along, merging from the 15 freeway onto the 91 freeway.  This is a common sight at this particular point in a trip North for us.
Traffic!  It's just a part of living in Southern California :)
Recently we enjoyed New Zealand Lamb Chops for dinner.  I made homemade Mint Sauce (a first for me).  It was okay but Chris and Jean Mueller brought us some store-bought Mint Sauce over from NZ, when they returned from Impact Bible Conference, which we will enjoy next time we have NZ lamb.  Thank you, Phil and Natalie!

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