28 July 2014

vacation bible school

At the end of July Faith Bible Church held it's first Vacation Bible School (VBS) - a summer children's program.  I helped with checking the kids in each morning - a name tag for each child and a name tag for each parent for when they came to pick their child up.
There were about 50-60 kids each day.  We met Monday through Friday from 9-11:30 am each morning, in the park across from where we meet for church.  Here, the kids are singing.
The program we used was called Wilderness Escape, and the children learnt lessons about Moses and the Israelites and their journey in the desert.
Day One - The Israelites Cross the Red Sea (God is with us, so . . . trust God!)
Day Two - God Provides Manna and Quail (God gives us what we need, so . . . trust God!)
Day Three - Israel Defeats the Amalekites (God gives us strength, so . . . trust God!)
Day Four - Moses Remembers Passover (God saves us, so . . . trust God!)
Day Five - God Gives the Ten Commandments (God guides us, so . . . trust God!)

It was a great week (and HOT and humid too!), with a number of children attending from the neighborhood.  Next year, many in the team will be going to India on a missions trip and they will do this same program with some children there.

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